Station 5.1
Station 5.1 is an Iridology analysis and reporting software.
Allowing the user to manage their Iridology images, overlay
Iridology charts, record client details, scan the iris for
color intensity and create reports ready for printing
on Iridology Station 5.1 software ....
Pesek's Interpretive & Reporting Software
a quarter century of research and clinical practice, Dr. Pesek has
developed a comprehensive system for analyzing the irides and reporting
the overall genetic constitution, various conditions and accumulations
and the levels of health of the body's systems of detoxification,
organs, and glands. The 18 brain flair areas that reflect the conscious
and subconscious thought and emotional patterns of the person are
also brought to light with this system.
this detailed and personalized Iris Analysis Report is made available
to healthcare practitioners with this new and innovative Iridology
software package. This dynamic method of analysis utilizes Holistic
Iridology®, which encompasses physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual aspects to assist in healing the whole person.
on David Pesek's Interpretive & Reporting
Software ....
2000 Nutribase
Nutri-Base Iridology software is a comprehensive, easy-to-use database
of innovative nutrition, food and herbal health tips. It is the fastest,
easiest way to access the latest scientifically-based natural health
discoveries and modern nutrition techniques to boost your health
life in a language that is easy to understand. Iridology2000 Nutri-Base
Iridology software illuminates more than 40,000 truly amazing but
little publicized connectors between diet, nutrition and human health.
more on Iridology
2000 Nutribase ....
software CD covers the iridology constitutions as gathered by Milo
Milosevic N.D. over his lecturing years.
is a compilation of the constitutions from Deck, Angerer and American
constitutions he has presented the ones that have seemed most appropriate
for Australian naturopaths. It is written in such a way as to make
it easily patient compliant & the analysis can be used even as
a handout sheet.
constitutions are divided into blue, brown & mixed with dietry & lifestyle
guidelines. The CD also contains many photographs of irides from
Milo's clinical cases, also other pupil and iris signs as well
on Constitutional
Iridology ....